Thursday, March 13, 2008

the natives are getting restless

I've been in this business a long time. I've seen trends come and go. One thing that has never changed is how people treat each other. I don't get it. It's either getting worse or i'm losing my mind. I don't get that people have to take their dogs with them everywhere and that they carry 'working dog' cards for pomeranians. I don't get that people get bent out of shape when they are cut off after 3 hours of hard core drinking. I don't get why people open doors by pushing on the glass instead of using a handle. When did we become a society of individuals? We are no longer a society of people or even communities. The family unit is dead. "fuck everyone else, what can i get for free?" "What's the quickest and easiest way to make a buck?"

This isn't even just the food service industry. It's just easiet to spot in a restaurant, because everyone eats out...because it's easier to pay someone else to cook for you. It's all about cruising down easy street. Why? So we can race home and watch american idol? What happened to a hard days work?

I remember growing up and everyone in my family cooking. Someone was chopping vegetables, setting the table, making the salads. Maybe that could be a new Wii game. family cooking! or family lawn care...oops we're out of gas for the mower...we'll have to walk a quarter of a mile to the gas station....but no ipods!!!!! we have to talk!!! Nintendo could make a mint from that. Hell, the Wii carnival game is much more fun than a real carnival, because you don't have to interact with morons or people trying to get shit for free.

"It all boils down to the loss of person to person communication," he writes in his blog. LOL - good thing they have acronyms or I might have had to actually type laugh out loud. Another necessary time saver.

I'm not even sure there's much to talk about anymore. It's all been done for us. I don't have to do anything. I can have it all brought to me. So when my girlfriend asks me 'what did you do today,' and I say, 'nothin.' It's a true and complete conversation.

Maybe when they find a way to insert a cell phone into our brains we'll have more to talk about.


Jaime said...

I couldn't write a more true entry.

Our family doesn't eat out and it's not just about the money. It's about being family together. Sharing a meal and being as quiet or as loud as we want.

Life and it's joys have been lost in todays fast food lifestyle. For many the measurement of happiness is based on money and material things. Hard work and payoff don't account for much anymore.

Love the blog =)

Jaime said...

Oh, I forgot to add, instant gratification is another huge measurement of happiness nowadays.